22 Dec

<p><br />That set me thinking about job preferences some 20 years ago. Those times, job-seekers were desperate to become listed on large private corporations and MNCs. With so many young talented professionals eager to work with them, many pharma, retail, IT and ITeS companies, met their expansion goals and continue to be flourishing. But now, the scenario in the job market seemingly have reversed completely.Delhi is a heart for government jobs in various departments and misnitries.</p>

<p>The attractiveness of the government job, can in theory, be great news. It'd indicate that that India of high in public-service minded people who want to work to enhance things on the ground. Sadly, the popularity of the government job is a sign, despite most of the progress the nation has made, of how static the inter-locked social and economic systems have remained, and how administration gets decoded not as service, but as power. The preference for a government jobs in the present form is really a vote for days gone by as opposed to the future.</p>

<p>The main reason behind this new-found craze for government jobs is just a misconception in the minds of today's youth. They're under a misconception that a government job is ‘not demanding ', ‘has no targets'and ‘provides lots of benefits '. Primarily, it is sold with ‘job security ', even although pay is low compared to a job in the private sector.</p>

<p><br />But step outside into the bigger India, as you had occasion to do recently within an on-going project to create sense of what's changing in small town India, and the picture changes completely. The private sector is viewed largely with suspicion, and more than a little disdain. The private job sometimes appears to be work on its most sweaty and unrewarding. One is answerable to the master, there's no permanence, and the hours are long and hard. The exception is an IIT degree, which can be viewed as a passport to all sorts of opportunities; but even for most IIT aspirants, the eventual destination is just a government job.</p>

<p>When it comes to ‘other benefits ', like a maternity benefit or perhaps a medical benefit, government organisations clearly score over the private sector. That is absolutely true.</p>

<p>Now, let's go through the downside of the federal government job in terms of salary and other benefits.</p>

<p>Salaries in government organisations are attractive only at the entry-level. As years roll, what a government employee earns along with the ‘benefits'he enjoys, is far significantly less than what his private counterpart gets.</p>

<p>The intense demand for these jobs should show that the government should get the very best talent that's available. In the functioning of the federal government in many areas of the united states, however, it's not immediately apparent that that is so. For many aspirants, the work stops at the doorstep of the job. What is being vied for isn't work, but power. The federal government is dotted with extremely bright and committed people, but this is simply not a predictable pattern, but merely a function of some individuals.</p>

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